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Case Management

Case.Contact is a fully automated and affordable Case Management Software.

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About Us.

Case.Contact is the next generation of case information management. It contains automated workflows, investigative and intelligence bots to support your work.

We enable your organization to monitor case or client progress, provide tools to track the services your organization offers, and above all, allow you to understand the results of your programs and perform oversight activities.

What can you achieve

There are numerous reasons that you might be considering a new case management system. You might be tracking your cases or clients in paper case files, pdf, emails or in spreadsheets which have become too cumbersome with lost information. Your organizational leadership and staff may need better insight into how well your organization is resolving cases, serving clients in order to improve your programs.

Or, your legacy system might just be getting too costly to keep up and may no longer be reliable.

These circumstances may prompt you to evaluate a new system, using the Case.Contact we help identify the goals and provide the turn-key software you are hoping to achieve. We enable those features based on your goals as the KPI, Metrics, and guiding principles, and we work with you or your group of stakeholders to enable those features on a case by case basis.

Automated Case Management

Automate the burdensome tasks in case management

Dashboard & Analytics

You can use our dashabord or pick a drag and drop approach to building custom dashboards.

Fraud, Loss, Waste & Abuse

In several cases, we are able to capture Program integrity arond fraud waste and abuse.

Workflow & Business Process

We support your custom business process and workflows


The AI & ML (Artificail Intelligence & Machine Learning) tools are baked into our Case.Contact software for you to find trends and other information.

We add intelligence into your Business Processes, with a dynamic workflow based BPM: these are all terms applied to a new generation of applications that use ML, AI, computer intelligence to extract context-relevant information from the content associated with a business process, and use it to select, modify or re-direct the next steps in the workflow.

Best Toolset

One of its primary applications is in case management. Here the term “case management” is used in its widest sense to refer to any process or project that has a defined beginning and end, where the process steps and outcome may change during the course of the process, and where associated content needs to be grouped and managed as a case-file or project-file. Applications can range from payment management, through contract bids, claims handling and loan origination, applications, appeals, to traditional healthcare, crime or legal cases..

At Case.Contact we make case management, tracking and resolution easy and affordable

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Our Network

Case.Contact Case Management Software enables Web-to-Case for your organization and choose a default case response template to send to people who submit cases from your website or email or phone calls. If you set up auto-response rules, this default response template is only used when no auto-response rules apply.

Try us out, and discover for yourself.

Use Case.Contact to tmprove decision-making, accelerate case resolution, and enhance customer and employee experiences by automating ad hoc content and process centric case resolution.

– Case.Contact Feature

Many existing case-based processes are unable to adapt to changing needs without depending on IT. Case.Contact is a SaaS application with outof-the-box, pre-configured process templates for common business use cases.

– Case.Contact Feature

Custom case processes can also be easily created through a no-code case modeler. This combination offers quick deployment, low total cost of operation, and fast time to value.

– Case.Contact Feature

Our Case Managers

Custom case processes can also be easily created through a no-code case modeler. This combination offers quick deployment, low total cost of operation, and fast time to value.

Jane Doe

Jane Doe

Case Manager

Jonathan Davis

Jonathan Davis

Case Manager

Tyler Thompson

Tyler Thompson

Case Manager

Dave Jaden

Dave Jaden

Case Manager

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5678 Extra Rd. #1234 San Francisco, CA 96120